Well…we made it through Missouri and Kansas, arriving in COLORADO!!!We had a great time exploring Salina, Kansas! Here are a few pics from there…
On our way to Kansas, we received a severe thunderstorm alert – with hail – as well as a tornado alert along the path we were going. As Leonard drove, I continued to watch the weather radar on my phone, and it looked bad! (I know that green and yellow are rain but when it starts turning RED, that’s bad!)
It looked like we were heading RIGHT into it so we stopped at a rest area and talked about what to do – let me just say that HAIL ON AN AIRSTREAM is NOT GOOD! The aluminum would look like a golf ball with all the dents in it!
So we stayed at the rest area for a little while and then the guys decided we were probably safe to get back on the road….with a little trepidation, we started back on our journey – the sky looked ominous to say the least! And then as we drove, the weather started to clear in front of us, but all around us the skies were DARK! Let me just say once again how good God is! We had just a little bit of rain and NO other problems – and we just cruised on into Colorado Springs! YAY!
THIS NEXT PICTURE IS GREAT – it’s a town right at the END of Kansas and the BEGINNING of Colorado —-
It’s amazing how you drive through Kansas and it’s flat – and yet beautiful – where it seems like you can see all the way to the horizon. And THEN you look in the distance and see MOUNTAINS!!!
I am always amazed at the different scenery along this trip…mountains, some with snow, some without…flat farmland, dotted with beautiful houses, barns, silos, cattle, etc…then almost desert looking plains…then rock formations…trees of all kinds…and of course, the WIDE OPEN SKY! It just seems a little bluer out here and the clouds a little whiter! (except when they are storm clouds, which we encountered in Kansas!)
We arrived at the campground in Colorado Springs – called MOUNTAINDALE RV RESORT – and let me say…it is very appropriately named!! It was such a beautiful drive to the park and our camp sites were on the mountain!
Our Colorado Springs adventure was THE GARDEN OF THE GODS! I have been to Colorado Springs twice before this and never was able to go, but had heard about it..let me say it is SPECTACULAR! The pictures just don’t do it justice – but I’ll try…
After walking all around the Garden of the Gods, we headed into Colorado City to find a coffee place and some lunch. I had watched YouTube videos of each place that we will be going, and there was a coffee place called Jives Coffee – we decided to try it and we were glad we did!
And then we had one more adventure – we were so excited to know Colorado Springs had this – we couldn’t wait to get there…..ready??
TRADER JOES!!!!!!!! Haha – we needed some groceries and we LOVE Trader Joes! After a trip to get stocked up, we headed back to the campground for a fire and a relaxing evening!
The next day we drove to Breckenridge, Colorado – the drive to get there was absolutely amazing! We also had to go over the Hoosier Pass, which was, to be honest, a little scary! There was a lot of snow, and just the day before we drove it, there were chains required on all commercial vehicles, which means the roads were not good! I looked up Hoosier Pass, and look at the elevation!
I have to say, though, that the scenery was magnificent and breathtaking and beautiful – just reminding us once again about God and His majesty! WOW!
This next photo was a little terrifying to see when pulling a trailer! Leonard navigated it like a champ – especially for a Florida boy!
Our campground in Breckenridge was beautiful and we could see the snow capped mountains from our trailer! Not a bad view to wake up to in the morning!
We saw the sights of Breckenridge the next day, and drove up the mountain to the ski lodge – wow, the houses up there are amazing and view of Breckenridge is beautiful
We had lunch at a DELICIOUS Mexican Restaurant,(we don’t JUST eat by the way!) did some more shopping, and then just relaxed that evening back at the campground. Breckenridge was a nice town to check out, and it was nice because it was not crowded since they are between seasons – ski season is really over, and the summer season hasn’t started yet – they call this in between time “MUD SEASON” because all of the snow starts to melt and everything is muddy!
Something fun I had seen on YouTube was the ISAK HEARTSTONE TROLL – it is a 15 foot troll that an artist built with all recycled and upcycled material – it’s a short 10 minute walk to it and it did NOT disappoint! Look how fun!
WELL…it’s off to Hill City, South Dakota – to Mount Rushmore!!! I am so excited to see that again, and to show our friends! The campground we are going to is the BEST one we have been to so far – we were here last year too – hands down! HERE’S JUST A PREVIEW!
All looks like it’s going well… But we all agree,,, all you guys do is eat! Hahaha! Keep having fun, see you in a few…
you are funny – we are doing much more than eating but it DOES look that way doesn’t it!?!?! haha
Your commentary about the beauty of God’s creation lines up perfectly with today’s reading in Our Daily Bread. Psalm 8: Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set glory in the heavens…When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds of the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim in the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
WOW – thank you so so much for sharing that with me! You are right – what a reminder of WHO God is and what HE has made!!!
Aah you saw Kansas weather😳
Colorado I70 had to be the roughest road for you😔 not good!
You guys have fun on your adventures !!!
YES, Kansas weather! We mostly saw it on the radar which is what we are thankful for! haha! YES – Colorado I70 was horrible!
Love seeing so many great photos of fun, beautiful, and delicious spots! Not to mention you two : ). And those mountains, wow!!!
The mountains, right?!? spectacular!
I was just thinking of you guys this morning! I love this post because I’ve been to a few of these places! Just amazing! Our God is good to share His creation with us! Our God is also good to provide safety from the storms and that crazy hairpin turn….in any vehicle!
Stay safe, have a blast and keep us posted!
~ Mary Kay
Aren’t these places amazing?! There is SO much to see in this world! The weather and the hairpin curves were crazy!
Don’t bring the snow home…we (I) don’t like it….lol
you are HILARIOUS!
Beautiful! Colorado is our favorite!! I was going to say “Enjoy” but I can already tell you are doing just that!!!!
I love Colorado too – we are having such a great time!
I enjoy seeing your pictures since I have been to most of these places. The first time I saw Garden of the Gods we took a picture of me holding Josh as a newborn in front of Balanced Rock. We went back when he was about 18 and we took a picture of Josh picking up and holding me in front of Balanced Rock.
oh my gosh! that’s an amazing story!!! I love that!
I’m so glad you didn’t get into that “red” weather. Praise the LORD! Continue on that trail of God moments. Praying for you and Leonard.
I’m so glad we didn’t either!!! thanks for praying!
Beautiful scenery! I love seeing the majesty of God’s creation in the Garden of the Gods. I’ve also heard so much about Breckenridge but haven’t ever been there. So glad to see it!
You all also know where to eat! I’m a chips & salsa (and queso) connoisseur and those look amazing!
I felt that way about Garden of the gods. – it was majestic for sure! and can i just tell you that the chips and queso were even BETTER than they looked in the picture – wow!
Looks like fun and adventure continues. Love the pics of you guys in the rocks!
Garden of the Gods is amazing! My favorite memory of the garden is roller blading around the roads with my older brother when we were in high school. I remember being in awe of the rock formations and reflecting on how big God really is based on the awesome creations towering above me!
I agree – it was spectacular! the size of all of those rock formations are incredible! GOD is awesome!
Hello Leonard.
The gap in the door window is correct. The gap is actually not that big but the sealant is.
From Keith at Devils Tower
Leonard says “thank you so much – I appreciate that” – it was SO great to meet you and your wife (this is Susan writing) – have a safe and WONDERFUL rest of your trip!
I love all the pictures Susan! Looks like you are all having a great time. It is amazing all the beauty that God has created; it never ceases to amaze me. Drive carefully and safely. Keep taking lots of pictures. I’ll get my questions ready…
you are funny – “I’ll get my questions ready!”
Just catching up on your posts! Love the pictures. God’s country is amazing!
So, so interesting. Of course I love the gorgeous natural scenery, but I am THAT weirdo who reads all the plaques… Read about “Tom’s baby” , why they named it “garden of the gods” (they thought it looked like a beer garden??? ) and really enjoyed the restaurant marquee “big nose kate’s “. So fun! Enjoy and stay safe!