We had the chance to go to Virginia Beach this past weekend – to see Andrew, Leigh, Nolan and Miles, but to also see the BLUE ANGELS air show!! It was at the Naval base where Andrew is stationed, and we were so excited – Leonard has seen it before, but it would be my first time!
Deciding to take the trailer, we loaded up and left Pittsburgh! It’s a LONG drive there with a trailer, especially at our “old age”, but we took our time, and God protected us and guided us the whole way! We decided to come in a little earlier than we had said, so we let Andrew in on the secret, but he and we kept it from Leigh and the boys.
When we arrived, we pulled up in front of the house and just walked in the front door – yelling “hello, is anyone home?” Needless to say, Leigh was TOTALLY surprised! It was so much fun – the boys were a little confused, especially Miles, because he is only 2! It would not have mattered WHEN we got there – haha!
Andrew cooked a delicious dinner for us all and we visited for a bit, and then headed to our campground – we stayed at the VIRGINIA BEACH KOA, which is where we stayed this summer – it is an AMAZING campground ,and we love it! There is SO much to do and always something going on!
Food trucks, coffee trucks in the morning, an amazing pool with a lazy river, outside games galore, live music on the weekends, and so much more!
When we checked in, the lady who helped us in the office said “just to let you know, the Blue Angels are here and it will be loud” (when we came this summer, she told us that because the campground is across from the naval base, the jets would be loud as they flew – we then told her “oh, our son flies one of those jets and we LOVE that noise”)….So, this time, when she gave us the information, I very quickly said, ‘Oh, we are HERE for the Blue Angels air show, so the noise won’t bother us”….
Looking at me and smiling as she spoke, this is what she said…”NO, I SAID THE HELL’S ANGELS ARE HERE AT THE CAMPGROUND” !!!!!!!!
I thought she was kidding! She wasn’t! There were hundreds of Hell’s Angels camping “with us” and they ALL had motorcycles! There were hundreds of motorcycles and let me just say, it was LOUD! I can definitely see why she told us – and every other camper that came in – about the noise!
We also found out that they travel with federal agents as their security! That’s because other motorcycle “groups” may come after them – what a thing to hear as you pull into camp at the KOA for the weekend!!! Although the lady DID tell us that we were in the safest place in Virginia Beach! (I’m still trying to figure THAT out!)
Friday morning, we headed over to the base for the air show, and it was a “friends and family day” for those who have passes to be on base. Andrew was our “friend and family” that day and got us on the base – we had front row seats for the show – oh, along with 8,000 fifth graders on the best field trip ever!
It was a beautiful day, and so fun to see Andrew’s office on the base, see the squadron he is in, the hangar, and even meet some of his “people” he serves with every day!
Miles went to “school” that day because he is too young to have sat there for hours watching planes – and the noise scares him! But Nolan LOVED it – and so did we!
Seeing the different types of planes do acrobatics in the air and fly in formations was amazing! HERE ARE SOME VIDEOS TO SEE THE ACTION!
And what EVERYONE waited for was the main attraction – the BLUE ANGELS! (not the Hell’s Angels!). Those planes are beautiful, and the pilots are so in tune with each other, every formation done perfectly! WOW!
After a great day, we headed back to the campground – got a good night’s sleep – well, sort of – the motorcycles were coming in and out until VERY late – but I tried to remember we were in the SAFEST place possible – haha!
Quiet hours at the campground are from 11 pm – 7 am – definitely NOT this weekend!
Saturday, we started with a GREAT cup of coffee from a place called Operation Brew (cleverly named being right by the military base!), and then went to the beach with Leigh and the boys because Andrew had to go on a work trip.
The waves were huge, and it was another beautiful day!
Then Nolan came with us back to the trailer during Miles’ nap time, which is Nolan’s FAVORITE thing to do – he doesn’t like it when the rest of his family comes to the trailer – he wants us and the trailer all to himself!
We love this time with just him also! It’s precious! After nap time, Leigh and Miles joined us and we had more fun! We played outside, had snacks under the awning of the trailer, went over to play outdoor games, had burgers for dinner from the food truck, and listened to live music!
We cherish this time with our family, knowing the kids grow up so fast! We are also thankful that Andrew and Leigh are only 8 hours away now – and Emily and Kramer are only 6!!!!
It was time to head back home – what a quick trip – so we loaded up the trailer and got on the road – stopping in Maryland at a campground we have been to before so didn’t have to drive all 8 hours at once! Plus, it’s another day camping with the Airstream – WE LOVE IT!
What a quick but FUN trip to see the BLUE Angels and the HELL’S angels – who would have ever thought?! These are the things memories are made of – wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Oh, and one more thing – the day we left was the FIVE-year anniversary of Leonard’s attack – WOW! We are so thrilled that the Lord spared his life, and we have this time and these opportunities to enjoy the blessings HE has given us! I personally am SO thankful ! What a fast five years!
Until next time…
Fun times!
God is good! Always love ❤️ reading your travel blogs.
Wow, what a great story! So glad you were in such a safe place – how nutty is that? And that you got to see that amazing airshow and had special family time. Gladdest of all that Leonard is with you every step of the way!!! Love you guys
Those boys are so adorable. It is so great that they are so close now. I can see they love you guys just as much as you love them. Looks like it was a wonderful trip!
Wow! What an amazing experience. So glad the kids are closer now.
Me too, Celia!
Love it…!!! What is Andrew’s call sign? And I can’t believe he’s a TomCatter again!!! Go Felix!
Yes he’s a Tomcatter again!!! WOOHOO!!
This warms my heart!!! What an AWESOME trip and sweet time with your family!! Thank you for sharing it with us!
How cool to get to see the Blue Angels! And then you experienced Hells Angels! What an adventure! Your grandsons are so adorable and I am so happy for you that they live closer now!
Such an amazing opportunity! I love seeing the pictures of Andrew’s base.
Glad you enjoyed the pictures of the base and his squadron! It’s amazing to go there!