One of the biggest joys of this trip is NOLAN CLARK CASSON!!! He is two and a half, and is one of the funniest kids I know! (Yes, i am biased!). He is keeping us on our toes, and let me tell you….Gaga and Pap are tired by the end of the day – it’s hard being 62 and 60 and keeping up with 2 1/2!!
His favorite thing to do (besides eat) is build with blocks! We build forts, bridges, towers, houses, and anything else he can think of – then after we get it all done, he does what every 2 year old boy would want to do — HE KNOCKS IT DOWN! It’s great fun and he laughs and laughs – he even tells me “I won’t knock it down, Gaga!” and then he does!

He talks so so much, and it speaking in paragraphs – I’m amazed at the concepts he understands and the phrases that he says! We watched him overnight this past weekend so the kids could have a night away before grandson #2 arrives in October – I took him up to his room for nap time, and he went running in to jump up on his big boy bed. They keep a little stool beside the bed to get on first and the climb in.
The stool wasn’t there for some reason, and he jumped on the bed and had a little trouble reaching it – he looked at me and said “GAGA, I DIDN’T REALIZE THE STOOL WASN’T THERE!”

Leonard and I had a wonderful time with him while the kids were gone, and we are just trying to enjoy every minute with him – he is truly one of the biggest blessings in our lives! And as much as he loves us, we love him even more!

It’s true what they say: “If I would have known how wonderful grandchildren were, I would have had them first”
I hope I’m not writing to much – just so fun to brag on Nolan! Until next time…
Love every sentence of this post! I can so relate to the joy and the tiredness you feel after being with a two year old. So happy for you and Leonard! Thanks for sharing.
It’s exhausting but the BEST!
I love the updates! Nolan is as blessed to have you and Leonard as grandparents, and you are to have him as your grandchild!
THANK YOU!!! SEE you soon! can’t wait!
So cute! What a wonderful time to spend with him. Love the pics!
Thanks! and thanks for ALL your help!
It’s so wonderful to see and hear you being so full of joy. You are just going to bust when Nolan’s brother gets here.
It will be awesome – but I’ll be doubly tired when we watch them – I’m old!
Fun times and great memories being made!
You could not possibly talk too much, tell too many stories or post too many pictures about this little guy! I feel like I know him! What a blessing and I love the saying about having grandchildren first! Praise the Lord for the babies! Enjoy every single last second and then come home safely and tell me all about it! More pictures too please!! Love love ~ MK
You’re so sweet – it really is the best thing in the whole world!
Nolan is so adorable! What a blessing! I loved hearing about your time with him. Makes me so excited to be a grandparent!
You are going to LOVE it!!!
He is so smart and funny! What a great age! I’m sure you’re loving every second!! ❤️
Nolan has the best smile! Love his creations and glad the big kids got a break! 💙 Good job, Gaga!
It makes my heart so happy that you and Leonard are soaking in the joy of your grandson Nolan!! Wow, his vocabulary is waaay beyond that of an average 2 yr old!! Even to say “realize” is pretty cool but then to use it correctly, in a sentence, is extraordinary!! The joy of grandchildren is truly one of life’s greatest blessings!!
It’s so fun, isn’t it!!!
Every single post you make I read with the biggest smile on my face. I can just feel the joy you’re experiencing- what an incredible summer. Every stop. Every detail. Every memory. God is so good to us! He gives us all this on earth AND heaven- how lucky are we!?!?
We sure are!
He is so precious!!! Love hearing about him and seeing pictures! Enjoy every second with him! 💕
Thank you!!
HE’S SO BIG!!! The last time I saw pictures of him was when he was a baby!! I’m so happy for you. And they are expecting again?? When’s the due date? You must be thrilled 🙂
They are expecting another boy at the beginning of October!!! So excited!
This made me smile so big. I can just see the zeal as he waits to “not knock it down” HA HA HA