We had two more stops before getting to the most important place of all – OUR GRANDSONS! (oh, and Andrew and Leigh too – haha)
Driving from the Grand Teton National Park to Twin Falls, Idaho was beautiful! We were able to see the snow capped mountains for such a long part of the trip – we just stared at them from the truck as we drove – eventually watching them fade out of sight – I have to say that it was probably my favorite place so far – those mountains were so majestic and the snow on them just made them look even more amazing!
Next stop – TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ! We had no idea what to expect there, but the “thing to see” is the SHOSHONE FALLS. We arrived at our campground and hopped back in the car to drive to the falls — well, let me just tell you – IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!! We were NOT expecting to see what we saw…I”ll just show you!..
It was like a mini Niagara Falls! The sound of the rushing water over the falls was incredible! Here is a short video to show you!
After a good night’s sleep, we got back on the road for our next destination – LAKE TAHOE! It was a LONG day of driving but the scenery – once again – was beautiful!
After 8 1/2 hours, we arrived at our campground in South Lake Tahoe – WOW! What a beautiful place and the campground is wonderful – nestled in among lots and lots of TALL pine trees, and the smell was wonderful – fresh air, pine trees and campfires – what a great stop after such a long day!
Here are some of the sights around Lake Tahoe – what a beautiful place!
It’s been such a fun trip and we are looking forward to being in California and being STOPPED for a few weeks – we were going to stay at the same campground as last year, on the river, but we got a call from them back in March that their entire campground was FLOODED!!! So, after searching and talking to Andrew about a good location, we found a new place and are looking forward to seeing what it will be like – it will be our home away from home for almost three weeks! I’ll “report back in” to you all and let you know if anything exciting happens in the next few weeks!
Before signing off, here is what we have come all the way across the country to see….
Thanks for coming along from Pittsburgh to California!!!!!!!
As magnificent as the scenery has been as you have crossed the country, nothing made my heart as happy as seeing the pictures of Nolan, Cole & you!
Grandchildren are a blast! Your time with them will fly by-ENJOY every minute!
Please give them a squeeze from me & BIG HUGS to Andrew & Leigh!
Love y’all BUNCHES!!!
Thanks again, for sharing your trip with us!
Thanks Deedee – we are having fun but are tired! taking care of babies and toddlers are for YOUNG people!
Your picture taking skills are impressive!!! Love the video!
well thank you! haha!
It’s amazing to see the beauty of God’s creation and vastness (is that a word?☺️) of our country. Your pictures are awesome! Of course, the most beautiful gifts are those two little boys! I know your heart is so full, and thrilled for you and Leonard to be able to spend time with them. Have fun, Gaga!
It has been SO pretty coming out here – we are in awe of God’s beauty!
The video of the falls was fantastic! Thanks for uploading it. The grand babies are adorable.
I love your posts! I think I need to add Shoshone to one of my bucket list “places I want to go”! How gorgeous!!!!!
We should just get your complete itinerary and go to all of the places!
you definitely need to go to Shoshone falls! it was amazing!
Love, love, love seeing all of your pictures and following along on your travels. Enjoy your family time!
Thank yoU!!!
Amazing! The pictures and even your description of the smells- makes me feel like I’m there with you
I’m so glad you’re in CA safe and sound and get to relax with the grand babies. Enjoy every minute 💕
We are having a great time – one thing that has been confirmed to me is…Babies are for YOUNG people! haha
All the sights of God’s beautiful world are amazing but nothing like the sight of His most amazing creations…Nolan and Miles. Enjoy those 2 boys and make every second count. Sometimes I wish we could freeze time to enjoy our grandbaby boys a little longer.
oh how I agree about freezing time with these little ones!
So, so beautiful! Thank you for sharing. And those darling boys…!!! Enjoy , enjoy.😁
Thank YOU for reading!
This put a smile on my face. Thank you.
I’m so glad!!!
What great pictures! I am sure, in person, it is even BETTER!! Those are some cute boys!!!!